praktikanten eve

Idag skulle egentligen skolan ha börjat men vi har två veckors praktik nu.. Jag är uppe på skalet hos Annica på hotell receptionen. Idag har jag och Inglis typ bara ställt iårdning till alla konferenser som ska vara nu i veckan. Tror det kommer bli två roliga veckor ! :)
Imorgon ska jag även klippa mig uppe på skalet där dom byggt nytt. 

Dead by april - Erased <3

Here is no one left to trust Raise a light One that I can see Now reverse this enormous pain For this life to remain I am walking through what you are too Hold me close This is what I see Emptiness in me This is how I feel This is what is real I can't put back What is now fading black I can't replace What is being erased I crawl my way through every day Raise your light one that glows for me Give me a sign light my path take me higher I am walking through fire Standing alone abandoned by fate Walk me through This is what I see Emptiness in me This is how I feel This is what is real I can't put back What is now fading black I can't replace What is being erased Being erased Is this all that is left for me? Hold me close This is what I see Emptiness in me This is how I feel This is what is real I can't put back What is now fading black I can't replace What is being erased This is what I see Emptiness in me This is how I feel This is what is real I can't put back What is now fading black I can't replace What is being erased


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